Monday, July 13, 2009

I am quitting smoking

The first time was at the back of my house, Lucky Strike with Filter, stolen from my dad…that was 1993..form 2...Wa dah bosar...

Progressively, at school not so addicted, only when approached by friends… 2-4-6-8 sticks per ma…20 posen jer…

Study, start to develop aggressively, as an inspiration to study, as a tool for memorizing the notes, to keep me awake for late night study…duit biasiswa ada......

Working, it becomes habit…very bad… 1-2 packs per day, reason? Maturity? Sense of belongings? Apa ke jadahnya? Duit sendiri di tangan, x segan nak beli…At the shop, they display not to be sold for under 18 and students! Wa dah keje ma…

Habis kenapa lu gilo nak berhenti x macho la mangkuk!!!!!!

Ontah, last Friday night...................

Suddenly, Afif who was playing on my side while I was lying down on the bed watching the Astro, handed me my cigarette pack:

Papa, What This? (Referring to the picture by the courtesy of Ministry of Health)

OOO, ni gambar orang x gosok gigi. So Afif kena rajin gosok gigi, jangan jadi macam ni..(To make my son understand the message easily)

Then suddenly, he kissed my cheek right after the explanation.

FUCK…..does he know I am lying to him? Do I want to continue cheating my parents on my smoking habit during school day to my son? Gua terus dilemma tahap Gaban…Kelu..Bisu..nak kata orang rumah wa ajar anak I cakap mcm tu..impossible...bini wa masa tu ada kelas

Apa punca? With no answer………I quit !!!!!!!!

I went to see Dr this morning to get some medication for my fever, flu and cough…..she said :

Akmal, it is not H1N1 symptom, no worries…but because of you had quit smoking you get all these…………your body shivering because you tahan something which is very familiar dengan your body…sabar n I congratulate and wish you the best of luck…………………


Afif, papa does this because of you…. I love U


chuaw@i said...

kalau benar seperti yang den baco.......

Tahniah Mr Bahau...

j.e.j.a.r.i. said...


Bahau Otai said...

Timo kasih..timo kasih (dlm nada nazak mcm ado burung hering kek sebolah)

Nak rokok wei...nak rokok wei.... (macam putus dah kasih sayang- frust menonggeng)

Anonymous said...

semoga saudara sukses dalam perjuangan untuk berhenti merokok

nani said...

bahau.. aku bangga dgn kau bahau. bangga giler sial. sebab afif...

... syahdu ok.